How to Get a New Zealand Working Holiday Visa from Nigeria

Getting a New Zealand Working Holiday Visa from Nigeria can open the doors to an incredible adventure. However, the process can seem daunting. This guide will break it down step-by-step, ensuring you know what to do and what to expect.

Introduction to the Working Holiday Visa

A Working Holiday Visa (WHV) allows young people to travel and work in New Zealand for up to 12 months. It’s an excellent opportunity to explore the country, gain work experience, and immerse yourself in a new culture. But, before you can start your journey, you need to understand the requirements and application process.

Eligibility Criteria

Ensure you fulfill the requirements before applying. However, meeting these criteria doesn’t guarantee approval, as there are other factors involved.

See also: Obtaining A Startup Visa For Entrepreneurs: Opportunities In Europe for Nigerian Innovators

Age Requirement

You have to be in the age range of 18 to 30. Thus, if you’re older, you won’t be eligible for this visa.


You must be a citizen of Nigeria. However, if you hold dual citizenship, ensure you apply with your Nigerian passport.

Health and Character

You must be morally upright and in good health. Therefore, you’ll need to provide medical certificates and police clearances as proof.

Financial Requirements

You must have sufficient funds to support yourself. This typically means having at least NZD 4,200 in your bank account. However, more funds may be beneficial.

See also: Applying for French Visa: A Guide for Nigerians

Preparing Your Application

Once you confirm your eligibility, you can start preparing your application. It’s crucial to compile all required paperwork before starting the application procedure.


At least three months should remain on your passport after the planned length of time spent in New Zealand. It is best to renew your passport if it is about to expire before applying. Additionally, for more tips on how to get a New Zealand working holiday visa from Nigeria, read the article.

Medical Certificates

You’ll need to undergo a medical examination. Thus, you should visit an approved panel physician. The results will be sent directly to the New Zealand immigration authorities.

Police Clearance

You must provide a police clearance certificate. However, this can take some time to obtain, so request it early in your application process.

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Proof of Funds

You’ll need to show evidence of sufficient funds. Thus, you can provide bank statements or a letter from your bank confirming your balance.

The Application Process

With your documents ready, you can proceed to the application. The process is mostly online, making it convenient, but you need to be thorough.

Online Application

Make an account by going to the New Zealand Immigration website. Fill out the application form carefully. However, double-check all information before submitting to avoid mistakes.

Uploading Documents

Digital copies of your documents must be uploaded. Ensure they are clear and legible. Also, keep the original documents handy as you might need them later.

Paying the Fee

There is an application fee you must pay online. Ensure your payment method is ready. However, note that this fee is non-refundable, even if your application is denied.

See also: Understanding the Dutch Visa System for Nigerians

Waiting for a Decision

There will be a waiting period following the submission of your application. This period can be stressful, but it’s crucial to remain patient. Furthermore, read the article to learn how to get a New Zealand working holiday visa from Nigeria.

Checking Application Status

Your online application status can also be checked. However, frequent checking won’t speed up the process.

Responding to Requests

The immigration authorities might request additional information or documents. Thus, respond promptly to any such requests to avoid delays.

Preparing for Your Trip

You can begin organizing your trip to New Zealand as soon as your visa is granted. To guarantee a seamless transfer, a few actions must be taken:

Booking Your Flight

Look for affordable flights from Nigeria to New Zealand. However, consider booking early to get the best deals.

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Arrange temporary accommodation for when you first arrive. Thus, you won’t have to worry about where to stay immediately upon arrival. For more information on how to get a New Zealand working holiday visa from Nigeria, read this article.

Packing Essentials

Pack appropriately for the New Zealand climate. However, remember that New Zealand’s weather can be unpredictable, so pack for various conditions.

Upon Arrival in New Zealand

Arriving in New Zealand is exciting, but there are still a few steps to take to settle in properly.

Immigration Check

At the airport, you’ll go through immigration. Have your documents ready, including your visa approval and return ticket. However, don’t be nervous; this is standard procedure.

See also: Nigerians Abroad: The Easiest Ways to Secure a Long-Term Visa

Opening a Bank Account

You’ll need a local bank account for your earnings. Thus, visit a bank with your passport, visa, and proof of address to open an account.

Getting an IRD Number

An IRD (Inland Revenue Department) number is essential for working in New Zealand. Apply online or visit a local IRD office. However, ensure you do this promptly to avoid any issues with your employer.

Finding Work in New Zealand

One of the primary goals of a working holiday is to find employment. However, this can be challenging without the right approach.

Job Hunting

Look for job openings online or visit local job agencies. However, be open to different types of jobs, as this can increase your chances of finding work quickly.

Preparing Your CV

Ensure your CV is tailored to New Zealand standards. Thus, highlight any relevant experience and skills that can set you apart from other applicants.


Be prepared for job interviews. However, practice common interview questions and dress appropriately to make a good impression.

See also: How To Apply For A Nigerian Work Visa

Exploring New Zealand

While working is important, don’t forget to explore and enjoy New Zealand. The country has a lot to offer, from stunning landscapes to vibrant cities.

Travel Opportunities

Take advantage of your time off to travel around the country. Visit places like Queenstown, Rotorua, and the Bay of Islands. However, plan your trips to make the most of your stay.

Meeting New People

Try to mingle with other tourists and locals. This can improve your encounter and offer beneficial connections. Also, consider joining social groups or clubs to meet new friends.

Extending Your Stay

If you wish to stay longer than your initial visa allows, you might have options to extend your stay. However, this requires careful planning and understanding of the regulations.

Visa Extension

In some cases, you can extend your working holiday visa. However, this is not guaranteed and depends on your circumstances and adherence to visa conditions.

Applying for a Different Visa

You might consider applying for a different type of visa, such as a work visa or student visa. However, each visa has its own requirements and application process.

See also: How to Extend Your Stay Abroad: Visa Extensions and Renewals

Returning Home

As your working holiday comes to an end, you’ll need to prepare to return to Nigeria. This involves several steps to ensure a smooth transition back home.

Closing Accounts

Close any local bank accounts and settle any outstanding bills. However, ensure you keep records of any transactions for future reference.

Packing and Shipping

Pack your belongings and arrange for shipping if necessary. Additionally, think about selling or donating things you no longer need.

Saying Goodbye

Say goodbye to friends and colleagues. However, keep in touch with the connections you’ve made, as they can be valuable in the future.


A working vacation in New Zealand has the potential to transform one’s life. It offers a unique opportunity to explore a new country, gain work experience, and meet new people. However, it’s essential to plan carefully and follow all steps to ensure a successful application and stay. With the right preparation and mindset, you can make the most of this incredible opportunity and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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